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Cornell University

Search for Users in TeamDynamix

How to search for users within TDX.

This article applies to: TeamDynamix

Searching for Users

Most search boxes in TDNext function in a similar manner by allowing a user to search for customers, clients, and more. They provide thorough details on a person's recent tickets, contact information, associated group(s), and other additional information/permissions.

Note: These methods vary depending on desktop layout as every desktop is different.

The People application

This method may be useful to someone who needs to do a detailed search on a user or customer.

  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Select the waffle icon on the top left hand side of the window.
  3. Scroll and select the People application from the menu. A new tab will open.
  4. Enter the NetID or name of the person you're searching for in the Search Text field.
  5. Select any applicable options.
  6. Select Search.
Note: Alternatively, enter the Account/Department name and/or the Primary Group to help narrow down your search.

Search Bar in Desktop

  1. Navigate to TDNext.
  2. Enter the NetID or name in the Search field on the top right of the desktop.
  3. Select the search icon. A new tab will open.
  4. Optional: Select the filter icon on the top right of the window then select the applicable options to refine the search.
  5. Optional: Select a result to open up Person Detail to view additional information. A new window will open.


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