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Cornell University

Dedicated Qualtrics Custom "From" and "Reply-To" Addresses

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

The following only applies to invitations sent using the Qualtrics Mailer within the service. Sending a Qualtrics anonymous survey link when using a different mail service, like Cornell Office 365, Lyris, Remedy, and others, is not affected.

From Address

When using the Qualtrics Mailer for large mailings, it is advisable to use as the "From Address" one of the following:

* Some units at Cornell have email addresses ending in If approval is granted by the unit, CIT can also set up addresses like these in Qualtrics.

Reply-To Address

When using the Qualtrics Mailer, it's advisable to use as the "Reply-To Address" one of the following:

  • The default "Reply-To Address" of the address associated with the Cornell NetID account signed into Qualtrics, or
  • An approved "From Address" (See above) 

To be able to send Qualtrics survey invitations from an address other than, submit a Qualtrics support request to CIT to begin the process of setting one up, or see information about using a group email account or departmental email account.

Why This Change Is Occurring

Although it's possible to type any Cornell address into the "From" and "Reply-To" fields of the Qualtrics Mailer, email service providers are increasingly likely to treat emails that resemble these as suspicious. Using a dedicated address can improve the odds that a survey invitation will be delivered to recipients' email inbox, instead of being classified as spam or junk.




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