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Cornell University

Secure Password Management

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Cornell's Secure Password Management service uses LastPass.

LastPass remembers all your passwords so you don't have to. Cornell's password management service uses the LastPass product to offer all current students, faculty, and staff a free enterprise account. Increase your personal and professional online security by saving all your passwords in one secure vault. LastPass also allows teams to safely share passwords.

Advice about LastPass Security Breach

LastPass is a password management service that stores all your passwords in one secure vault, which you protect with a single master passphrase. It is a browser extension and mobile app that works across operating systems and device types.

LastPass can also autofill forms, store private notes, and keep your bank and credit card information secure. LastPass is available for all current Cornell students, faculty, and staff. One of the biggest benefits of LastPass is that you only have to remember one passphrase, thereby enabling you to create complex, strong passwords for all the websites where you save login credentials.

With LastPass, you can:

  • Safely store and autofill your Cornell NetID and password for any Cornell site that requires login.
  • Create complex, unique passwords that autofill for any app or website you use (Cornell or not).
  • Automatically sync your passwords so you can use them on any of your devices.
You will not be able to activate your LastPass account unless you have Two-Step Login enabled for your NetID. 
While Two-Step Login authentication for most Cornell web services has transitioned to the Duo Universal Prompt, LastPass logins will continue to use the traditional prompt.

Graduating, retiring, or otherwise leaving Cornell? Find out what changes to expect for your Cornell LastPass account.

Cornell and Weill Cornell Medicine have separate licensing arrangements. The information in these articles does not apply to Weill Cornell Medicine.


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