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Cyberattack Threat Is High; Safeguard Your Devices Now

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other federal and state agencies have advised Cornell’s information security team and Cornell University Police that there is a serious risk of cyberattacks emanating from Russia. All faculty and staff are urged to ensure that their laptops, computers, and other devices are protected as quickly as possible. Specifically:

Outlook for Android to Require Android 8.0 or Greater Beginning May 23, 2022

Effective May 23, 2022, Microsoft has announced that the mobile app Outlook for Android will no longer be supported on Android version 7.1 or earlier. If you have Outlook for Android installed on your mobile device, make sure your device is running Android version 8 or higher.

Data Privacy Week: January 24-28, 2022

Data Privacy Week is January 24–28. Cornell has signed on as a 2022 Champion to help ensure a culture of digital privacy for all. Learn how to manage your personal information and keep it secure. Be #PrivacyAware.

Protect Yourself with CISA's Mobile Device Cybersecurity Checklist

CISA has recently released the actionable Mobile Device Cybersecurity Checklist for Consumers. Take these simple steps now to help strengthen your defense against cyber threats.

New Skillsoft Platform Launching November 15, 2021

Skillsoft has launched a new website for Cornell users designed to make learning easier, more accessible, and more effective. The Skillsoft website has a new URL: Please be sure to update your bookmarks with this new location.

Oracle Java SE Licensing at Cornell University

Oracle has changed its Java licensing. This limits Cornell University's ability to use certain versions of Java on university-owned systems. Java users can continue using Oracle Java usage their use complies with the new license agreement.

Zoom to Enforce Stricter Upgrade Requirements Starting November 1

Zoom will soon require users to keep their copies of Zoom apps updated to within nine months of the most recent release. Any copies of Zoom older than this will prompt the user to upgrade to the current version before launching.

Microsoft to Block Three Additional File Types in Email Attachments

By the end of October, Microsoft will block three additional file types (.iso, .cab, and .jnlp) when attached to Office 365 email messages. Files of these types will be stripped from any messages delivered to the email recipient. This step is being taken by Microsoft to further reduce incidents of malware infection.

Two-Step Login Will Update Its Mobile App - October 2021

Duo, the vendor for Two-Step Login, will launch a new user interface (UI) for its iOS and Android mobile apps in mid-October. This change will make it easier for you to enroll, authenticate, and troubleshoot Two-Step Login. Watch the new Duo Mobile App Video, read more about Duo's changes, or see the Administrators' Guide.

Final Notice: Microsoft Outlook’s Clutter to be Retired Sunday, October 10, 2021

On Sunday, October 10, 2021, Clutter, Outlook's now-deprecated option for prioritizing email messages, will be removed from any Cornell email accounts where it is still active. To learn about the current best practices for sorting messages in Outlook, visit Focused Inbox.

At Cornell we value your privacy. To view
our university's privacy practices, including
information use and third parties, visit University Privacy.