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Cornell University

E-list Configuration: Who Can Join? (Lyris)

This article applies to: E-lists (Lyris)

  1. Log in to the Lyris administrator web interface. - How do I log in? - Take me to the login page.
  2. On the left, click Utilities.
  3. Hover over List Settings. A sub-menu will open.
  4. Select New Subscriber Policy.
  5. Click the gray Security tab.
  6. Use the Security dropdown to select the option you want:
    • open - anyone can join (no approval needed) Use this setting if you don't need or want to restrict who can join (for example, a list about road closings at Cornell, or a general discussion of woodpeckers).
    • private - administrator must approve new members Use this setting if you want to review requests to join (for example, a list for administrative aides, or grad students, or volunteers at commencement). If you choose this option, you will need to review all membership requests.
    • closed - only an administrator can add new members Use this to restrict membership to only those people added by a list administrator (for example, a list for staff in a particular department, or students taking a particular class). If you choose this option, members who try to join will get an automated message saying that they can't join; you will not be notified of their request.
  7. Click Save.


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