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Cornell University

Create an E-list: 2. Configuration Options

To create an e-list, start with our Create an E-list Overview article.

This article applies to: E-lists (Lyris)

You will need this information to fill out our online form. You may wish to make a note of your choices on paper to keep a record of them.

All fields can be changed later EXCEPT Name of e-list, Purpose, and Unit.

Submitting false information will be viewed as a violation of the Campus Code of Conduct and referred to the Office of the Judicial Administrator.

Name of E-list

Your list name can be up to 32 characters long and must end in -L (a hyphen and the letter L). It should contain only letters, numbers, hyphens ( - ), and underscores ( _ ), with no spaces.

It does not matter whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters (that is, CIT-ALERT-L is the same as cit-alert-L). Good list names are short but meaningful (for example, discussion-L is too vague and would be rejected; discussion-of-goats-at-Cornell-L is too cumbersome).

Choose the name carefully, because changing to a new list name is difficult and confusing for members. Remember that other groups on campus may have similar lists, so consider including identifiers meaningful to others, like LAW-staff-L or ILR-staff-L.

On these web pages we follow the convention of always using an uppercase "L" at the end of the e-list name. This is simply for clarity; a lowercase "l" can be mistaken for the numeral one ( 1 ), the letter I, or a vertical line ( | ). In communicating with your members, you should probably follow this convention as well.

Purpose of List

Your proposed list must support one of the following areas:

  • Academic instruction
  • Academic research
  • Academic department
  • Administrative department
  • Library/Collections department
  • Physical Education
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • Outreach/Engagement activity
  • Professional
  • Student organization
  • Alumni
  • Other

If you choose Other, you will need to explain the list's purpose. Requests for "other" lists will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

A note of clarification: E-lists are a convenient and, usually, quick method of communicating with a group, but if you require a guaranteed "right away" delivery, you should not rely solely on lists. As with all email, delivery occasionally can be delayed.

List Administration Information

Name of primary list owner

The Primary List Owner has ultimate responsibility for the list. He or she serves as contact point for issues and problems related to the list, both technical and content.

NetID of primary list owner

List owners must have an active Cornell NetID.

Email address of primary owner

This should be the email address from which you will be sending messages to the list or commands to Lyris. Lyris uses this address (and your password) to verify that you are the list owner.

Status of primary owner

Faculty, staff, student, or alumnus.

If the primary owner is a student or an alumnus, you will need to provide the name, NetID, and email address of a list advisor. For students, the advisor must be faculty or a staff member, preferably associated with the organization the list supports. For alumni, the "advisor" must be a staff member of the Alumni Affairs Office.

If the primary owner is staff or faculty, an advisor is not needed.

Unit/Department/Organization this list supports or is sponsored by

If the sponsoring department or organization is listed in the departmental or student organization directory or is registered with Cornell Alumni Affairs, you'll enter that name in the online form. If we can't contact a list administrator, we will contact this unit.

Email addresses of secondary owners (if any)

Secondary owners are optional; you do not need to designate one for your list unless you want to. Secondary owners have full administrative rights to the list, but cannot have the list shut down.

List Characteristics

Brief Comment (3 or 4 words)

This comment is displayed on various reports that may be available to subscribers or the public. It should be brief, only three or four words, and should contain only letters, numbers, hyphens ( - ), underscores ( _ ), and spaces. It does not need to have the words "e-list" or "mailing list" in it because the comment will only appear this context.

Who May Become a Member

Open: Anyone can join by sending Lyris the appropriate command. Best for public discussion lists.

Private: Lyris will send all requests to join to the list's administrators, for approval or rejection. Best for a list where members must meet some criteria, such as being enrolled in a particular class.

Closed: The list's administrators must add members manually; any other attempt to join will be rejected. Best for small, private lists, such as administrative lists for departments.

Who May Post

Restricted: The list will accept postings only from members and list administrators. This option is recommended to help prevent unwanted postings to your list.

Announcement: The list will accept postings only from the list administrators, and no one else. Use this option when the purpose of the list is to post periodic announcements rather than to serve as a vehicle for interaction.

Open: Anyone with an email address, even non-members, can post a message by sending it to the list address. This option is generally not recommended, since your list can become a target of unwanted postings such as spam.

Posting Moderation

No: All postings will be distributed, without changes, directly to the list.

Yes: Administrators will have the opportunity to review each message. They then either approve or reject it. If approved, the message will be posted to the list. Best for controlling lists on a narrow range of topics, or where the list owner wants to keep the "noise" level down to a minimum. If rejected, the message will not be distributed to the list. Administrators have the option of providing feedback on why a message was rejected.

Where Replies Go

Sender: When a reader replies to a post, the reply will be addressed to the original sender, not the list. This option helps prevent personal responses from going to the whole list, and is recommended particularly for large lists to avoid mistakes and distribution of unwanted mail. Lists used primarily for announcements should also have this option set. However, a subscriber who wants to reply to the entire list can change the "To" field in his or her email program while composing the reply.

List: When a member replies to a post, the reply will be addressed to the list, not the original sender. This option is best for discussion lists, especially small, informal lists. (However, a member who wants to reply to an individual sender can change the "To" field in his or her email program while composing the reply.)

These options are not foolproof; many email programs can be set up to override them by following a user's preference. Users can also manually re-direct their replies. Remind your members to check the "To" field when replying to a mailing list message.

Resource Requirements

  • Standard e-list
  • Bulkmail e-list
  • More than 10,000 recipients
  • Large Messages
    • Accepts emails up to 5000KB in size (Standard e-lists accept up to 970KB).
    • May experience delays of 90 minutes or more.
  • Time Sensitive
    • Emails must be very small in size.
    • Primarily for coordinating shift work.
  • Special Needs
    • The email team will contact you to discuss.

Continue with Part Three: Complete Request Form


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