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Cornell University

Working with Images in Confluence

How to work with images in Confluence

This article applies to: Confluence

There are many ways to work with images in your confluence space. The following are the most common ways:

Inserting Images

An image is treated as a special kind of attachment that is displayed within your page. More information on working with images  


The Gallery macro creates a gallery from all of the images that are attached to the page. Thumbnails of the images are displayed on the page. Additionally, users have the option of displaying the images as a slideshow, either in the same window or in a pop-up window. More information on the Gallery Macro

Linking to Images

You can include an image from another page or another space on your wiki page. More information on linking to images
Note: Confluence limits file sizes to a maximum of 15MB. We recommend using Box to store your files. Create links on your Confluence pages to your files stored on Box.

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