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Cornell University

Working with CITSG

How best to get support from CITSG

This article applies to: Central IT Service Group (CITSG) Support

Whether you are working remotely or moving back to a predictable schedule and work model, CITSG Desktop Support works to provide a high-quality level of service and support.

Use of TDX Forms to Request Help

The fastest way to request support from CITSG Desktop Support is the use of TDX forms. They represent the most requested support and services. These forms ask specific questions intended to expedite your support request and will send that request directly to the group that can help you.

Requesting Support

When requesting support for a new issue, please do not respond to a closed support request. If you are asking for help with a new problem, use our TDX forms to request support.

Please do not contact technicians directly via MS Teams, Slack, phone, or email. 

Responding to Requests for Information from the Support Provider

CITSG Desktop Support uses TDX as our primary tool for communication. You will receive an email copy of the communication, as well as an update in the TDX Customer Portal

Please note that if you use TDX for your day-to-day business, correspondence from our technicians may look like your own internal TDX correspondence. Please be diligent and look for messages from CITSG Desktop Support that may have been filtered along with your own TDX messages.

If we do not receive a response from you after two attempts to reach you over the course of five business days, we will close the ticket. You will need to open a new support request to address this issue if you still need support.

Setting up Appointments

We use Microsoft Bookings to offer multiple times for appointments to accommodate your busy schedules. 

Letting Us Know Where to Deliver Equipment

When requesting equipment, please let us know the best way to deliver it to you.

Your options include:

  • pickup at 337 Pine Tree Rd., East Hill Plaza
  • delivery or drop off at on-campus locations
  • shipping to home locations, if you live outside of commuting distance to the Ithaca area

Please be sure that you plan for enough time for support appointments, at least an hour for new computer deliveries.


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