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Cornell University

Upload Files to Academic Web Hosting

What is SFTP?

CIT recommends using Secure File Transfer Protocol to upload your content to your Academic Web Hosting website. SFTP is a tool for moving large files over the web. It builds on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and includes Secure Shell (SSH) security components.

CU VPN with the @cit-acadhosting Departmental Group Name

In order to update your website you must connect using CU VPN. Log in with your_NetID@cit-acadhosting as your VPN username, and use your NetID password. (Replace “your_NetID” with your actual NetID.) You must be connected to CU VPN before you connect to the server using the SFTP file transfer application.

  • Detailed instructions for using CU VPN with the @cit-acadhosting departmental_group_name are available for Windows and for Mac.
  • If you experience difficulties connecting (network connection timeout), please contact, and follow the instructions for using the Academic Web Hosting VPN pool. 

Upload Files Using SFTP

Academic Web Hosting uses Cornell's Server Farm Account Management (SFAM).

To connect to any SFTP server where you have an SFAM account, you need the following information:

  • Hostname: The address of the SFTP server
    • Static Web Hosting Servers (or just depending on your sftp client.)
    • Dynamic Web Hosting Server: s (or just depending on your sftp client.)
  • Username: Your SFAM user ID - Same as your netID
  • Password: Your SFAM password – Should be different from your netID password (If you forgot, see how to reset your SFAM password)

Your site hostname can no longer be used to upload files. Instead, use one of the “uploads” hostnames above.

SFTP File Transfer Applications

You can use any file transfer application that supports SFTP to transfer files to and from the Academic Web Hosting servers.   

The following are some examples of file transfer applications: 

  • FileZilla can transfer your files to your web server using SFTP. Follow these Instructions to use FileZilla.
  • Cyberduck is another file transfer application that supports SFTP, available for both Mac & Windows.
  • Web development applications such as Adobe Dreamweaver allow you to configure the SFTP settings from within the tool instead of using a separate SFTP client program.

    Adobe Dreamweaver is available for eligible Cornell faculty & staff through Adobe Creative Cloud individual (named) licensing. Contact your department Technical Support Provider (TSP) for more information.

For help, contact


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