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Cornell University

How to Test Your Static Sites

This article applies to: Academic Websites (Static)

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Testing Websites for Academic Web Hosting Migration

Cornell academic websites are being moved to a new hosting environment. This change is occurring to keep Cornell's websites secure and operating smoothly.

As of October 12, 2021, all Cornell Static Websites have been published on the new hosting servers.

No Longer Need Your Website?

If you no longer need a website, or no longer need access to a website, contact

How to Test

You can test your website(s) by going to the test address.

Your test address is nearly the same as your production address. Just add test. to the beginning of your regular URL

Examples include:





What to Test

  • Verify that your entire site works as it should.
  • Verify that it has all the site content that you expect.
  • If your website requires authentication to access all or part of the website (either a shared password, or login by Cornell netID), verify that is working correctly.
  • Test making a change to a file on your website. Verify that you can successfully log in and upload a change to your website.
  • Test all links (throughout the navigation, footer, sidebars, and body) to ensure they go to the correct page.
  • Make sure all videos play correctly.
  • Test any downloads.
  • Cross-browser testing (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge).
If you have links in your test site content that include the full URL for your website, clicking them while you are testing will take you away from the test site and back to your active site. If you want to make sure that you did not get transported away, click in the URL bar of your browser and look for test toward the beginning of the address.


If something on your website is broken or incorrect, contact

  • In general, website content maintenance is the responsibility of the site owner and site maintainers. However, if the problem is related to either site content synchronization or authentication, we may be able to fix it for you.  
  • Check that your site is working correctly at your production URL. This will help determine if the problem is pre-existing or related to the server migration.


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