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Cornell University

Reset Your Academic Web Hosting (SFAM) Password

Academic Web Hosting uses Cornell's Server Farm Account Management (SFAM).

Set or Update your SFAM Password

  1. IF you are connected to the internet from Outside the Campus Network, connect to the Cornell network using the CU VPN service.
  2. Log on to the CIT Server Farm Configuration System with your regular Cornell NetID and password.
  3. Select the SFAM tab.
  4. Select Edit your SFAM record.
  5. Enter a new password according to the instructions on the screen.
  6. Select Submit Update.
  • Your username for uploading files to your server(s) is the same as your NetID. However, your SFAM password should be different from your NetID password.
  • Your new password will take effect in about 30 minutes.

Once your new password is ready, you can begin transferring files to your account with SFTP.


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