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Cornell University

Zoom Chromebook Support

This article applies to: Zoom

Use Zoom on a Chromebook Device

If you would like to use Zoom on a Chromebook device, install the Zoom Progressive Web Application (PWA). This web-based client provides an app-like experience, but with better performance and more options than a typical app.

The Zoom PWA provides many of the features available in the Windows or Mac desktop clients, including screen sharing, support for live interpreters, polling, breakout rooms, virtual backgrounds and blur, Chat, a 25-participant Gallery view, and the Zoom Whiteboard.

For details, see How to use Zoom on a Chromebook with our progressive web app (PWA) on the Zoom website.

Get the Zoom PWA for Chromebooks

The Zoom PWA is available through the Google Play store. Follow that link if you’re using a Chromebook. Or, when signed into the Google Play store, find it by searching “Zoom PWA” or “Zoom for Chrome PWA.”

Before using the Zoom PWA, be sure your Chromebook’s OS and Chrome browser are updated to the most recent versions. For details, visit Update your Chromebook’s operating system or How to Update Your Chrome Browser.

(Generally, if your Chrome browser needs to be updated, a yellow “Update” prompt will appear at the upper right next to your profile picture – click the update button to get the latest version.)


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