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Cornell University

Use Zoom Reports

The Reports section of the Zoom web portal provides account owners and admins with account, meeting, and webinar statistics, including meeting attendance and attendance duration.

This article applies to: Zoom

Run an Attendance Report

  1. Log in to the Cornell Zoom website.
  2. Click Reports on the sidebar navigation menu.
  3. Under the Usage Reports tab, click Usage. This will take you to the Usage report page.

You will see a list of all the meetings you hosted for the default date range (the past day). 

Use the date range tool at the top of the page to specify larger date ranges (up to a maximum of one month) or search a specific date range. Zoom Reports are retained for one year. Reports older than a year cannot be recovered.

The Usage Reports tab as displayed in the Zoom Reports portal.

From this Usage report page, take the following steps to see a meeting’s attendees:

  1. Locate the meeting you want to view attendance for.
  2. Scroll to the right to find the Participants column.
  3. Click the Participants number for the desired meeting. A Meeting Participants pop-up window will open displaying the meeting participant details. 
Example of a Meeting Participants report.

The Meeting Participants report will include:

  • Name: The name of each participant (for Guests, this is the name entered by the attendee when they join the meeting). If attendees change their name during the meeting, this change will not be reflected.
  • User Email: This will only be visible if the attendee is authenticated to the same Cornell Zoom instance. Zoom privacy hides e-mails for external attendees. For more information and exceptions, see Zoom has an FAQ on reporting changes.
  • Join Time: When the attendee joined the meeting.
  • Leave Time: When the attendee left the meeting.
  • Duration: How long the attendee was in the meeting.
  • Guest: Whether the attendee was a Guest.
  • In Waiting Room: If your meeting included a waiting room, you will see a second entry for any attendee that was held in a waiting room and later admitted. If they were admitted to the meeting, then there will also be a separate report for their actual time in the meeting. If there is a “Yes” in the In Waiting Room column, it means that attendee’s record is for the unique instance that they joined and were in the waiting room. There may be further entries for that attendee on the report if they left and rejoined. See below for more information.
Users who join after being in the Waiting Room or who leave and rejoin a meeting will appear multiple times in the report. You can check the Show unique users box to condense the report so that the multiple instances for waiting rooms and multiple joins are eliminated, although this will remove some of the available data around join, leave, and duration times.

The Meeting Participants pop-up window also includes an Export button that will save the detail to a CSV file. There is an optional checkbox to Export with meeting data which includes the meeting data (Meeting ID, Topic, Duration, Start/End Time) in the report.

Other Report Options

There are two tabs on the Reports page.

  • Usage Reports: For accessing reports on usage, meetings, and webinars if applicable.
  • User Activity Reports: Only includes info for “Reported Participants,” allowing you to view meeting or webinar participants that you’ve reported to Zoom.

Click Usage Reports to access the following report options:

  • Usage: Allows you to view a list of meetings, participants, and meeting minutes for meetings you have hosted.
  • Meeting: Allows you to search for Registration Reports and Poll Reports for a meeting. Select the type of report you need from the dropdown, search by a date range to find the meeting, then click Generate. While the report is processing, it will appear in the Report Queue tab. Click Delete to cancel processing the report.
  • Webinar: Allows you to search for Registration, Attendee, Performance, Q&A, and Poll Reports for webinars. Select the type of report you need, search by date range to locate the webinar, then click Generate.
You need a webinar license assigned to your profile to access webinar reporting. For more information on Webinar licenses, including how to request a license, see our article: Request Large Meeting, Webinar, or Premium Audio for Zoom.

More information can be found in Zoom’s article for getting started with Zoom reporting. Please note that many of the reports and features described in that article are admin-only, and not available to most Zoom users.


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