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Cornell University

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Regularly check files stored in collaboration services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Box to make sure that:You have the right level of sharing on your files, and access is only extended to individuals who should see them.Others' files are not shared to you by someone who has left. Those…
Whether you’re using Box, SharePoint, or Microsoft Teams, collaborating on a document with coworkers is often as simple as sharing a link. However, this convenience can have steep cybersecurity consequences.  
On February 19, 2024, quotas will be added to Cornell Box and Microsoft storage accounts. The quotas will be set above current usage for all accounts, as was done when quotas were added to Google accounts in 2022.
What makes Box Departmental Folders right for your storage needs? Do you create and use form letters the department regularly uses? Are you storing images for a department newsletter? Is the information that you store subject to university retention rules? Do you curate data owned by a multi-…
If you’re coming into Cornell and want to use Box for storage, use Get Started with Box to set up your account first. Transfer Ownership of A Box Folder The simplest way to move your Box data is to transfer ownership of the folder to another account.
If you need to move large amounts data (for example your entire email history or cloud storage drive), you should take advantage of one the robust tools available to Move Your Personal Data. If you have a small amount of data -- just a few files or folders -- then it may make sense to transfer…
Box provides Cornell faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with a simple way to share research, collaborate on group projects, and manage team files.Using Box, you can:

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