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Cornell University

Install Autodesk Software

This article applies to: Software Licensing and Installation

Install via Autodesk Educational Licensing (Students, Instructors, and Instructional Staff)

The Autodesk Educational License is limited to Cornell University students, instructors (including all faculty), and instructional staff for purposes directly related to learning, teaching, training, and noncommercial research and development. Please see Autodesk’s Subscription Types page to determine whether or not your use falls under educational licensing.

Autodesk products acquired through the educational license can be used on a personally owned or a Cornell-owned computer. The software is fully functional. Note that documents created or edited with an educational license are watermarked, indicating that they are for educational use.

  1. Go to the Autodesk Free Educational Software page.
  2. Click either the College & University Students link (students) or the College & University Educators link (instructors) on that page, depending on your status at Cornell.
  3. Find the Autodesk application you wish to install, and click the appropriate link.
  4. Sign in with your Cornell University email address to access the software.
  5. If you have previously downloaded software from Autodesk, click the Sign In button and sign in with your registered Autodesk account and password. If you have not previously downloaded software from Autodesk, click the Create Account button. You will need to register your Cornell University email address. ( At registration, Autodesk may ask for proof of affiliation with Cornell University. Please follow the on-screen instructions for the sorts of information they require. Confirmation by Autodesk may take up to a business day; Autodesk will let you know via email when your account is ready to use.
  6. After you have signed in with you Autodesk account, you will be able to download an installer for the product you selected.
  7. Run the installer.
  8. Autodesk will send you a Product Key and Serial Number via email for the product you selected. You will be prompted to enter the information provided in that email.
  9. After verification of the Product Key and Serial Number, the installer will run for several minutes to two hours, depending on the product, your computer, and your Internet connection speed. The installer will provide you with an estimated time remaining.
  10. After the installer completes, launch the product. (Note: Some Autodesk products launch themselves automatically after installation, while others require you to double-click on the software icon on your computer's desktop.) It may take several minutes for the product to launch for the first time.

Your Autodesk product should now be installed and ready for use.

Install via Cornell Institutional Licensing (Non-Instructional Staff)

Cornell employees who need Autodesk products to manage facilities or do facility-related work, or for commercial, professional, or other for-profit purposes, must purchase a license. Please purchase licenses through Cornell by filling out the CU Software Licensing Request form


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