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Cornell University

View Full Headers in Outlook for Windows

If you are having problems with your email, one common diagnostic aid is a complete list of the message’s headers. Headers show the path a message took to get from the sender to the recipient. The IT Service Desk or other technical support may ask you to provide a message’s headers.

This article applies to: Outlook for Windows

  1. Open the message.
  2. Click the File tab on the message window (not the main Outlook window).
  3. Click Info in the left column (it may already be selected).
  4. Click Properties.

The Internet headers section of the Properties dialog box shows all headers.

If you need to copy the headers (to paste somewhere else),

  1. Click anywhere in the Internet headers section of the dialog box.
  2. On your keyboard, press ctrl-a; this selects all the text.
  3. Press ctrl-c; this copies the text to the clipboard.
  4. Then, with an email message or other document open, press ctrl-v to paste the header text into that document.


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