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Four fiscal years ago, departments across Cornell University began transitioning to a new platform for communicating through voice and data: RingCentral. By June 30, 2025, that transition will be complete and the legacy Avaya phone services will no longer be supported.
Approximately 85-90% of users assigned an Avaya legacy phone have been transitioned to Ring Central and CIT is already in the process of moving all Emergency Phones, including Blue Lights and Elevator phones, to RingCentral.
Avaya support ends June 30, 2025
Avaya services will no longer be supported after June 30, 2025. Join your colleagues in RingCentral now and avoid the surprise of a disconnected Avaya telephone service on the final day. Planning the migration to RingCentral now will help ensure a smooth transition.
Anyone still using an Avaya phone line can contact their local telecommunications coordinator for assistance or request migration by emailing
No department action is necessary for the transition of emergency phones to RingCentral. A critical part of the project’s success, these lines are already being migrated.
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