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Cornell University

Types of ID

An explanation of Cornell's ID types and who uses them

This article applies to: CUWebLogin , GuestIDs , NetIDs , Shibboleth

Different types of electronic IDs are used at Cornell to meet the needs and requirements of different groups and situations. Three that are commonly used are NetID, Sponsored NetID, and GuestID. In combination with the associated password, the ID enables access to non-public resources and information.


NetIDs are issued to members of the Cornell community—students, faculty, staff, alumni, and affiliates.

More About NetIDs

Sponsored NetID

Sponsored NetIDs are issued upon the request of a unit head or a designee to individuals, such as independent contractors, who are not eligible for a NetID as a member of the community, but who provide services to the university.

If a GuestID will provide the necessary access (check with your local technical support to find out), please request a GuestID rather than a Sponsored NetID.

How to Request a Sponsored NetID


GuestIDs allow users who are not eligible for a NetID or Sponsored NetID to access certain services that use central authentication. GuestIDs are not eligible for accounts on Cornell's Exchange email and calendar system.

More About GuestIDs

ID Type Comparison


Sponsored NetID


Access to Exchange email and calendar

Access to administrative data

Access to confidential data

Access to data about individual people

Approving disbursement of university funds

Access to university resources that require central authentication

Access to university and federation resources that require central authentication via SAML/Shibboleth


eduroam (secure Wi-Fi network)


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