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Cornell University

Telephone Authorization Codes FAQ

Common questions about telephone authorization codes

Do I still need an Authorization Code to call domestically?

No, you do not need an authorization code to make calls domestically; however, if the phone is restricted, it is still needed. Domestic calls made with an authorization code will not be billed. If you want to change your phone's restriction level, please contact your departmental Telecommunications Coordinator. If they agree to this change, they will submit a request to the IT Service Desk: Voice, Video, Data.

If using my Authorization Code to make domestic long distance calls will I be billed for them?

No, you will not billed for domestic long distance calls when using your authorization code.

I don't remember my authorization code. Who can give me that information?

Your authorization code is listed on your CIT Services Report as your PBN number (PBN is the abbreviation for Personal Billing Number). You may also contact your department's Telecommunications Coordinator for assistance.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support


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