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Cornell University

Completing Campus, Local and Long Distance Calls

How to make campus, local and long distance telephone calls from campus phones.

Campus Calls

  • Dial five-digit number starting with 3, 4, or 5.
    Note: Campus exchanges are 253, 254, and 255. When you are off campus, you must dial the full seven digits to reach a campus phone.

Local (Ithaca area) Calls

  • Dial 9 + seven-digit local number. Local exchanges are:
216 241 272 288 375 546* 697
217 252 273 289 379 563 793
219 256 274 327 387 564 835*
220 257 275 330 391 589* 838*
224 262 277 342 532* 592 844
227 266 279 347 533 603 897
233 269 280 364 539 645 898

Domestic Long Distance

Note: Remember that personal calls are still subject to the University Policy 3.19.

  • Dial 9 + 1 + area code + phone number.

International Long Distance

  • Dial 9 + 011 + country code + city code + phone number.


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