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Cornell University

Secure Your Computer and Mobile Device

Firefly generated image of a college student with a laptop

Personal devices used for Cornell University teaching, learning, and research pose a security risk, but these simple steps can help safeguard the device as well as its owner's identity and credentials.

Going online from a personal device like a tablet, phone, or computer creates a pipeline to an immense collection of resources and data, but the sheer size of the Internet also makes it an easy place for bad actors to hide and scope out their victims. Create a ring of protection around devices and their connections to personal details, emails, photos, videos, and financial or university accounts with these simple steps.

Update Current Operating System (OS)

Be sure your personal device is using a current OS and software with the latest security patches. You can configure most of your personal devices to run automatic software updates daily.

Backup Important Data 

Should your personal device become lost or stolen, automatic backups of the data can help you recover your work more quickly. OneDrive, part of your Cornell faculty, student, or staff Microsoft account, provides cloud storage for your important documents.

Use the links on the left to explore more ways to improve personal device security.


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