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Cornell University

Web Interface File Download for CrashPlan

This method can be useful if you need a small number of files and you do not have access to the device where CrashPlan is installed.

This article applies to: CrashPlan

If you are using a device that has CrashPlan installed, the best way to retrieve a file is described in our Download From Your CrashPlan Archive article.

But if you find yourself away from your device and you need a file that you know CrashPlan has backed up, you can use the web interface. As the vendor's documentation notes, this is not for large numbers of downloads, nor for downloading your entire archive onto a new device.

In step one of the procedure on the vendor's page linked below, use this link to sign in to the CrashPlan console online. (The vendor's instructions take you on a longer journey to get to this link.) User your address as the username when signing in.

CrashPlan's Download Files from the Web help page


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