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Cornell University


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CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit. In order to configure your TSM client for Macintosh to prompt before starting a backup, add the following processing…
Virtual machines, regardless of the underlying technology (VMWare ESX; VMWare Fusion; Microsoft Hyper-V; Oracle VM Virtual Box; Parallels, to name the more common technologies in use at Cornell) present a particular problem when backing up the host system.
This article describes the process of backing up encrypted files. There is a separate article describing backing up CyberAngel and TrueCrypt encrypted volumes.
Use this procedure to verify that the Client Acceptor Daemon is operating properly.
The instructions on this page are based on the IBM documentation TSM client for Windows v7.1 The following assumes that the TSM client on the system was installed using the EZ-Backup installer, or using an installation method developed in conjunction with the EZ-Backup team. The necessary…
This process assumes that the TSM client software was installed using the documentation and installer provided by the EZ-Backup Service.
CIT is working with local IT support to move all Mac users from EZ-Backup to CrashPlan. Check with your local technical support provider to learn about the plans for your unit. In order to configure your Macintosh to sleep upon completion of a backup, add the following processing option to the dsm…
TSM generates an error log file containing any errors generated by the Tivoli Storage Manager application and services. By default, you'll find the scheduler log in the following location: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log
If you are using Microsoft Outlook as your mail client, and you are storing mail on your system, (which means your messages are stored in .pst files on your system, you need to be aware that the TSM client may not consistently backup these files; Outlook can be changing these files while the TSM…
The amount of storage included in the base rate increased from 35 GB to 50 GB. The rate remains $5.50. The cost of extra storage has decreased: The rate for additional storage beyond the base 50GB storage remains $0.02/GB. The rate for static storage remains $0.01/GB.
Term Definition Account The university account number that was charged. Nodename The name by which the EZ-Backup server knows a particular system, and is specified in the configuration file. Backup The amount of storage being occupied on the EZ-Backup…
The following is an example of a Billing Summary email that a qualifying department might receive. Detailed explanations of the terminology are available in our Glossary of Terms article.
The following is an example of a Billing Summary email for a system qualifying for the >100 GB Static Data Rate. Detailed explanations of the terminology are available in our Glossary of Terms article.
The following is an example of a Billing Summary email that a departmental account representative might receive. Detailed explanations of the terminology are available in our Glossary of Terms article.
If a department has over 50 nodes registered for EZ-Backup, each node, beginning with the 51st, is charged at a reduced monthly base fee. Departments having more than 50 nodes, which meet the qualifications below, are charged at a reduced monthly base fee of $3.50 per node, starting with the 51st…
Individual systems storing more than 100 GB of extra, very static storage (storage beyond the 50 GB of storage included in the monthly fee) are eligible for a Static Storage Discount. This discount is intended for long-term backup of reference data that almost never changes.
The base rate ($5.50/month) applies to the first 50 GB of storage. For storage above 50 GB, a lower rate of $0.02/GB is charged. 
Can I use the same nodename for more than one machine? No. (It is technically possible but neither CIT nor the vendor supports it.) Is it possible to back up a computer with a dynamic IP address? Yes. The EZ-Backup software is not dependent on the IP address of the client system. It uses a "…
Unfortunately, it's not possible to check the storage space used from the client side. Our billing scripts do queries on the nodes each day, drop the five highest amounts (to accommodate temporary spikes), and average the rest over the entire month to come up with the storage amount billed. So the…
To display your Policy Information (how many versions EZ-Backup keeps on the server and for how long they are kept), you can check through the ADSM or TSM Backup client.

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