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Cornell University

Save Files/Output in Apps on Demand/Amazon AppStream

This article applies to: Apps on Demand

You will get the best performance if you work with files from your Temporary Drive or Temporary Files location within the Amazon AppStream streaming session. See our Moving Files To and From Temporary Locations article for full instructions. 
  1. In the current application, from the File menu, select Save As.
  2. Click This PC, then Temporary Drive or Temporary Files. If you see Temporary Drive, use that.
  3. Name your file, then click Save.
It is critical that, when you are done with your work, you move your files to OneDrive or local storage. Anything left in Temporary Drive or Temporary Files will be lost. See our Moving Files To and From Temporary Locations article for full instructions. If you are using Google Drive, you don't need to move anything.


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