Zoom Problem: Can’t Sign In to cornell.zoom.us
This article applies to: Zoom
If you signed up for a free or trial account directly with Zoom and you used your @cornell.edu address for that account, you may find it impossible to log in to Cornell’s Zoom service as documented here. On attempting to log in, you may see an error message instructing you to contact Cornell’s Zoom administrator, or “Error 1000.”
The solution is to delete your free Zoom account following Zoom’s instructions. Then go to cornell.zoom.us and log in with your Cornell credentials.
If you still want to have a free, personal Zoom account, you can now create that account at zoom.us, using a different email address, not your @cornell.edu address.
If deleting the free/Basic account doesn’t work, please contact the IT Service Desk. They can add your account to the Cornell Zoom instance manually, which will generate a confirmation email to you. Follow the instructions in the confirmation email to finalize activating your account on the Cornell Zoom instance.
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