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Cornell University

Set a Passcode for Media Content

This article applies to: Video on Demand

In addition to using Privacy settings to control access to your channels, media owners can also set a passcode for individual media items. This means only users who have the passcode for that media will be able to view it.

Passcodes are intended to be used with media that has been published as Unlisted or has been added to a Public, Restricted channel. Do not use a passcode for content published channels that are not Public, Restricted. For content that you’d like to restrict to Cornell users or only a select group of Cornell users, use the appropriate channel privacy choice. Learn about using channel settings at Use Channels in Video on Demand.

Set a Passcode (Media Owner)

If you are the owner of the media, log in to Video Hosting and Sharing (previously called Video on Demand) and open the item to which you want to add a passcode. Then:

  1. Click Actions.

  2. Click Passcode Settings.
  3. Check the Passcode protect the entry box.
  4. Type a passcode into the text box, then click Set.


Be sure to provide the passcode to any users you would like to have view the media. The media platform will ask them to enter the passcode before they can view the media.


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