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Cornell University


Content (10)

Simulations are used to train astronauts and health care workers, so why not faculty and staff faced with stressful decisions? New phishing simulations to be run quarterly by the Cornell IT Security Office have been designed to help faculty, staff, researchers, and other employees more easily…
As the deadline for filing your taxes approaches, scammers are hard at work phishing for your personal information and impersonating the IRS. Tax scams can take many forms. It's important to be knowledgeable so you can protect your personal information.
Why Cybersecurity Training? Protecting Cornell data, including that of faculty, staff, and students, is a shared responsibility. While extensive technical safeguards reduce our risk considerably, the university's best defense continues to be a well-informed community that knows how to recognize…
The holidays are a great time to celebrate. Don't let criminals steal your good cheer. Be aware of scams that prey on your busy schedule and charitable giving. Protect yourself online to ensure a safe and happy holiday season. Spot Phishing Emails A common starting point for many scams is by…
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is held every October to raise awareness and ensure that everyone has the resources they need to stay safer and more secure online. The Internet touches nearly every aspect of our daily lives. When we all take steps to protect our connected devices and data,…
Unfortunately, malicious attempts to exploit high-profile events, anniversaries of significant events, emergencies, tragedies, and even major political events, are not uncommon:
Learn how to protect yourself online and help guide others in the right direction. Stay #CyberAware and #BeCyberSmart. Your digital footprint matters.
Be sure to back up your data. Data stored on your devices can be lost, accidentally deleted, or maliciously attacked. Protect your important files, data, and research by making electronic copies and storing them safely. Have multiple backup plans in place to fully secure your work as appropriate…
These days, the Internet touches nearly every aspect of our daily lives. When we all take steps to secure our connected devices and data, we all benefit. When using a computer, phone, or tablet, think of the following: Regardless of how fast your fingers fly on a keyboard or your phone, the best…
Cornell University proactively blocks Internet sites that pose a security threat to the university or the Cornell community. Websites are deemed a security threat when they host malicious software or scripts, or are used to try to steal Cornell login information or passwords.…

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