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Cornell University

Share Sizes

This article applies to: Shared File Services

Share Size Options

Shares are offered in various sizes (150 GB and multiples of 500 GB), as defined on the Fees and Billing page. Snapshot usage reduces the visible capacity by 20%, but enables end-users to restore changed/deleted data.

How big can a share be?

Shares can be grown from 150 GB to 500 GB, to any multiple of 500 GB.  The “maximum size” is really dependent upon our available disk capacity, and your budget. 

Growth past 40 TB requires discussion.

Contact us via to start the conversation.

How many files can a share hold?

Shares have the following limits by default:

  • 150 GB:                           ~4.5 million files
  • 500 GB:                           ~15.5 million files
  • 1,000 GB and larger:        ~21.25 million files
 NFS shares can be grown to 100 million files maximum.

Questions? Contact us via to start the conversation.

Change share size

You can change the size or other attributes of an existing share.


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