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Cornell University

Qualtrics Terms and Conditions

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool)

Use of Surveys for Research

Human participant research conducted by or on behalf of Cornell researchers must receive prior approval or exemption from Cornell University's Institutional Review Board (IRB).  Even in some cases where IRB review is not required under the federal regulations, researchers conducting online surveys may nevertheless need to comply with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when collecting identifiable or coded personal data from persons who are physically present in certain European countries at the time of data collection.  Contact the IRB or Cornell’s Privacy Office to ensure that your research complies with the GDPR.

Terms of Use

All users must agree to the terms of use of the Central Survey Tool as part of the account creation process. Violation of these terms can result in revocation of permission to use the service or judicial action.

Access to Qualtrics

Qualtrics is available for use by all current Cornell faculty, staff, and students. Access to Qualtrics will be terminated should the existing relationship with Cornell end.

Responsible Use of Electronic Communications

Cornell University Policy 5.1 Responsible Use of Electronic Communications, establishes the foundational rules of computer and university system network use grounded in the concept that anything that is illegal or against policy in the physical space applies to the cyberspace as well. Review Cornell University Policy 5.1

Mass Electronic Mailing

Cornell University Policy 5.2 Mass Electronic Mailing, establishes the rule that permission for the mailing to whole categories of students, alumni, non-academic, and academic staff must be obtained from the appropriate mail steward as defined in the policy. Review Cornell University Policy 5.2

Personally Identifiable Data and Security of Electronic Administrative Information

Cornell University Policy 4.5 FERPA Policy established the University rules for compliance with federal regulations that protect personally identifiable data such as names, social security numbers, and related information. Policy 5.10 concerns Security of Electronic Administrative Information.  Review Cornell University Policy 4.5 Review Cornell University Policy 5.10

Data Stewardship and Custodianship

With the Cornell University Policy 4.12 Data Stewardship and Custodianship, the university expects all stewards and custodians of its administrative data to manage, access, and utilize this data in a manner that is consistent with the university's need for security and confidentiality. Cornell University administrative functional areas must develop and maintain clear and consistent procedures for access to university administrative data, as appropriate. Review Cornell University Policy 4.12


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