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Cornell University


Jira is a software project management service offered mainly to CIT and a subset of Cornell staff. Jira provides bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management functions. 

Before Cornell staff can create an issue by sending an email to Jira, they must log into the Jira system once, which creates an account for them.

Request a project

To request a project, send an email to and include the following:

  • A project name (free formatted text)
  • A project key (an abbreviation or acronym for the project, which must consist of all uppercase letters and can be up to ten letters long. cannot contain any numbers, and which cannot be changed after the project is created)
  • Category (please include the organization name and purpose of project)
  • Project Type (e.g., scrum software development, basic software development, Kanban software development, project management, process management, task management)
  • Project Lead name and NetID (this is usually the primary support person for the project/application, and must be a faculty or staff member)

Unless specified differently in your request email, the workflow for the JIRA project will be the default. The Jira Support Team will review the request and follow up if necessary. We may also suggest a modified permission scheme or set up for new projects. We will work with the Project Administrator / Lead and IT Service Desk as part of the project creation. 

To access a project in Jira

Once the user has a Jira account, only the Project Lead or Admin can grant permissions for that account to access the project. Please contact your Jira Project Administrator for access.

Support Contact:

Cornell IT Service Desk

Normal Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm (Eastern Time)
Open a ticket (24x7 support)
Emergency Service Disruptions: After Hours Support


To share feedback about this page or request support, log in with your NetID

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