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Cornell University

Create a GuestID

This article applies to: GuestIDs

This page is for OU administrators; only OU administrators (and others with administrative rights) can create GuestIDs.

If you are a guest and want to request a GuestID for yourself, please visit our Request a GuestID page. You will need to know the exact name of the group where you want your GuestID to be a member.

Create a GuestID Using The ARS Console

  1. Log into the ARS Console.
  2. Navigate to the GuestID OU located in the IDs OU under your organization's top-level OU. For example,
    DelegatedObjects > CIT > IDs > GuestIDs
    DelegatedObjects > LIB > IDs > GuestIDs
  3. Right-click on the OU, then, from the menu that appears, select New then select User.
  4. Enter the guest's First name, Initials, and Last name. The other fields will populate automatically.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter (twice) a password for the GuestID account. The password must conform to the same complexity rules as NetID passwords.
    The password you create here will not ever be used by you or the guest, so you need not record it. (The Active Directory process requires that it be created. We are investigating the possibility of automating the password creation step.)
  7. Make sure all four check boxes are empty (no checks).
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select E-Mail Address, then click View/Edit.
  10. Enter the guest's email address. This cannot be a address, and cannot be an address already in use by another GuestID. 
  11. Click OK to close the Edit Attribute dialog box.
  12. Select edsvaOIT-Groups, then click View/Edit.
  13. Click add and add the name of the Guest-Only Group.
  14. Click OK to close the Edit Attribute dialog box
  15. Click Next, then Next, then Finish on the next three screens of the New Object - User dialog box.

The guest will receive a confirmation email containing a link they must follow to complete the activation of their GuestID, which includes creating their own password. 

The guest must follow the instructions in that email message within seven days from the time the GuestID was created. If no action is taken by the guest, the ID will be deleted after seven days.

Create a GuestID Using The Web Interface

  1. Using Internet Explorer, log into the web interface at
  2. Navigate the hierarchical tree to the GuestID OU located in the IDs OU under your organization's top-level OU. For example,
    DelegatedObjects > CIT > IDs > GuestIDs
    DelegatedObjects > LIB > IDs > GuestIDs
  3. From the drop-down list at thetop of the main window, select New User.
  4. Enter the guest's First name, Last name, and Initials. Most of the other fields will populate automatically.
  5. Enter the guest's E-mail address. This cannot be a address, and cannot be an address already in use by another GuestID.
  6. Enter the name of the Guest Only group.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter (twice) a password for the GuestID account. The password must conform to the same complexity rules as NetID passwords.
    The password you create here will not ever be used by you or the guest, so you need not record it. (The Active Directory process requires that it be created. We are investigating the possibility of automating the password creation step.)
  9. Make sure all four check boxes are empty (no checks).
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Finish.

The guest will receive a confirmation email containing a link they must follow to complete the activation of their GuestID, which includes creating their own password. 

The guest must follow the instructions in that email message within seven days from the time the GuestID was created. If no action is taken by the guest, the ID will be deleted after seven days.


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