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Cornell University

Glossary of Domain Name Terms Used at Cornell

This article applies to: DNS

Domain Name
Name that identifies and locates an organization or other entity on the Internet.

hostname dot subdomain name dot second level domain name dot top level domain name. For example bigred dot CIT dot Cornell dot EDU

Domain Name Manager
Office that maintains Cornell's databases for both recording and registration for domain name requests, and processes requests according to university policy.
Domain Name Server
Computer that provides the underlying technologies responsible for maintaining and providing domain name identification on the Internet. It translates the domain name into the numeric internet address.
Domain Name System (DNS)
Organized arrangement of domain names on the Internet.
Domain Review Board
Committee that reviews requests for three-part domain names; consists of individuals delegated by the Vice President for University Relations, the Vice President for Information Technologies, and General Counsel.
Four-Part Domain Name
Domain name that consists of a fourth-level, third-level, second-level, and top-level domain name, for example:
Computer that offers a service or services to Internet users. A host can offer a wide range of services to Internet users.
Record (verb)
To put into the university database domain names purchased with Cornell funds or non-Cornell-owned domain names that translate to university-owned hosts.
Register (verb)
To put into the university database for authorized domain names within the domain or domains whose domain name service is provided by Cornell domain name servers.
Three-Part Domain Name
Domain name that consists of a third-level, second-level, and top-level domain name; for example:
College, administrative unit, department, program, research center, business service center, or other operating unit.


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