Glossary for Cority
Glossary for Cority
This article applies to: Cority
- CH Cornell Health
- COHSEC The project to implement Cority is called COHSEC (Cornell Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance). This is not a new university organization name, but the name of the project.
- CSR College Safety Representative
- DSR Department Safety Representative
- EHS Environmental Health and Safety
- FCS Facility and Campus Services
- MAEN Medgate Automated Email Notification; Cority’s infrastructure for automated email generation and sending
- OM Occupational Medicine (aka OccMed)
- RAIS Research Administration Information Services
- SaaS Software as a Service – a method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers.
- SEG Similar Exposure Group
- SSIT Student Services Information Technologies
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