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Cornell University

Remove Users or Groups from a Confluence Space

This article applies to: Confluence

Remove Users

  1. Log into Confluence and view the space from which you want to remove the user.
  2. In the bottom-left corner of the browser window, click Space tools, then select Permissions.
  3. In the Individual Users section (in the middle of the screen), click Edit Permissions.
  4. On the line that shows the user you want to remove, click to remove every green check. 
  5. Repeat step 4 for additional users as needed.
  6. Click Save All when you are finished.

Remove Groups

  1. Log into Confluence and view the space from which you want to remove the group.
  2. In the bottom-left corner of the browser window, click Space tools, then select Permissions.
  3. In the Groups section (at the top of the screen), click Edit Permissions.
  4. On the line that shows the group you want to remove, click to remove every green check.
  5. Repeat step 4 for additional groups as needed.
  6. Click Save All when you are finished.


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