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Cornell University

Import or Export a Blog

Import WordPress or Blogger blogs. Export your blog to make a backup or to move it to another site. 

This article applies to: Blogs

  • Import: You can import WordPress or Blogger blogs. See the import documentation on the Edublogs site.
  • Export: You can export your blog if you want to make a backup copy or move your content to another site. 

Export a Blog's Content

  1. Click Tools, and then click Export.
  2. Choose the options you want to download, All Content or just particular items.
  3. Click DownloadExportFile. You will be prompted to save a file (usually called wordpress.DATE.xml). Save this file to your computer and remember the location of the file.
  4. If you need to download images, PDFs, or other attached files, you'll have to download or save each individually. You can't export media files from your blog. Tip: You may find that you have the originals for these files already saved on your computer and then you won't need to export them.
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