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Cornell University

Web Accessibility Footer

This page gives information and sample text to use on website footers and on website accessibility help pages.

This article applies to: Web Accessibility

All sites across campus must include information about web accessibility in their footer. There are now two options that have been approved for the university. This is an easy and quick change you can make to your website to comply with web accessibility standards. Please check the footer options as these have changed from what you may have had listed previously. The first option is a link that directs visitors to a page within your site with more information explaining who to contact while the second option provides a condensed version of the text in your footer directly. Please note that in both options, you should provide an contact method for your unit so that simple requests can be more immediately resolved. If a request comes in that you cannot resolve on your own, please use the Web Accessibility Support forms to contact the Web Accessibility team.

Web Accessibility Assistance Option

This option is a link in the footer that directs visitors to a page on your website with the below text:

“Cornell University is committed to making our websites accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. To report a problem or to request an accommodation to access online materials, information, resources, and/or services, please contact us at [UNIT CONTACT EMAIL HERE]. In your message, include the website address or URL and the specific problems you have encountered. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.”

Text in Footer Option

For the text in the footer option, include this text in the footer of your website:

“If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, contact us at [UNIT CONTACT EMAIL HERE] for assistance.”


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