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Cornell University

3Play Media Human Captioning Services: Billing and Invoicing

This article applies to: Video Accessibility and Captioning

The information on this page is intended for account owners of 3Play Media human captioning services accounts.

Billing and Invoices

Account owners will need to pay special attention to invoicing and billing for the human captioning services their department or group has requested. Additional administrators may be added to your account to manage billing and payment.

For details on checking invoice statuses, setting up payment methods, and adding additional billing contacts, see the vendor documentation Billing and Invoices Quick Start.

Further detail can be found at see the vendor documentation Billing and Invoices.

Payment Methods

Procurement Card

You may use your Cornell procurement card to pay 3Play Media invoices if a purchase order has not been issued. Colleges and Units are responsible for paying 3Play Media's credit card fees.

Your procurement card can be added and saved to your 3Play Media account. For details, see the vendor instructions at Add and Remove Credit Cards. Use the stored procurement card to pay an invoice manually or set up an Autopay option with a specific credit card. When Autopay is set up, a current invoice is paid on the last day of each month when the current invoice closes and then moves to the Paid state automatically.

Partial payments can be made manually using a credit card. For more detail, visit the vendor webpage Pay a Closed Invoice by Credit Card.

Purchase Order

If the entire engagement will be ongoing, or if the cost will exceed your procurement card limit, you should request a purchase order by submitting an I Want Document.

To process invoices against your purchase order, you may retrieve the invoices online, close it manually, and submit the invoice (with the PO number) to Accounts Payable at

For details on how to close and print a 3Play Media invoice, see the vendor documentation Close an Invoice to Pay by Check.

Paying for Human Captioning Services

At the end of a month, invoices for human captioning services are updated from Current to Closed / Unpaid status. For information about how to pay Closed / Unpaid invoices using a procurement card, see the vendor documentation Pay a Closed Invoice by Credit Card.

Invoices may also be closed manually and submitted to your business service center for payment with their procurement card. 

For details on human captioning services pricing, go to Pricing for Human Captioning Services.


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