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Cornell University

3Play Media Human Captioning Frequently Asked Questions

This article applies to: Video Accessibility and Captioning

How do I request human captioning services for an individual piece of media if I don’t have a 3Play Media account? 

Media owners should contact the IT Service Desk  for individual captioning requests.

Can I change the person assigned as account owner for my department or group account? 

Yes. Please be prepared to provide the new account owner's first and last name, NetID, and the new postal address if it has changed from the previous account owner.

A user in my group says they requested human captioning for their media, but I do not see it in the Ready for Approval list. 

Have the user double-check that they have used the correct tag to have the vendor add that media.

Can I use a captioning vendor other than 3Play Media?

While departments, groups, and individual media creators are free to pursue direct relationships with other captioning vendors, such independent arrangements will not be integrated with the Video on Demand (VOD) service. (However, once your media has been captioned by the other vendor, you could then upload the piece to VOD.)


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