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Cornell University

Remove Unused Attributes/Custom Fields in Forms

How to remove attributes or custom fields from forms in TDAdmin.

This article applies to: TeamDynamix

Purpose of Attributes and Custom Fields

Note: Only admins have permission to edit or modify forms for attributes and custom fields.

 In TeamDynamix, we have the option to create and add custom attributes to ticketing applications, which can then be used as custom fields on forms.

A custom field can be removed by editing the form, however, the custom attribute will remain a part of the application and can be used on other forms.

If a custom attribute is no longer needed for an application, it may be removed using the following steps below.

Removing Attributes and Custom Fields

Note: Historical data may be stored in a form even if a custom attribute is inactive. Therefore, if a custom attribute is deleted, the information will also be permanently deleted.

1. Log in to TeamDynamix then select Administrators (TDAdmin).

2. Select Applications from the left hand menu.

3. Select an application you want to edit. For example purposes, we will be using the CIT - Ticketing application.

4. Select Attributes on the left hand menu.

5. Optional: Select View under Form Usage to check if the custom field/attribute is active or inactive and view additional details. A new window will open.

6. Select Delete on the far right side of the screen to remove an attribute or custom field.


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