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Cornell University

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"My Drive" is For You - Not For Projects In a shared project, it is common for people to share content in someone's personal Cornell Google Drive. With all of the information in one location, everyone feels secure that all the materials are gathered up in a safe place. Then a project member…
On July 25, 2022, storage caps were applied to Cornell alumni Google accounts. Faculty, student, and staff storage caps were added a month previously. 
On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, storage caps were applied to faculty, student, and staff Cornell Google Drive accounts. The cap for each account is higher than the amount that was stored in Drive and allows some space for adding new content.
This information pertains only to personal data. Institutional data remains with the university (some research, documents used for university business, et cetera).
If you collaborate with users outside of Cornell, particularly with international partners, it can be easier to use Drive with them. Some faculty members find the Google environment easier to use for their classes.

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