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Cornell University

Generate SSL Certificate Signing Requests

Questions about how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file in Microsoft IIS and other platforms

This article applies to: SSL Server Certificate

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file in Microsoft IIS 6.0 Without Removing the Existing Certificate

To generate a new CSR without removing the current certificate, a temporary website must be created. This workaround will apply for IIS servers that currently have certificates installed, but a new CSR (with different key size,etc) needs to be created. Creating a temporary website allows you to keep a current certificate active on the site while another certificate request is pending.

Step 1: Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file without removing the existing certificate

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Right-click Web Sites.
  3. Select New > Web Site.
  4. The Web Site Creation Wizard will open. Enter Temporary as the web site name, then click Next.
  5. Note: In the Wizard, simply bypass all settings by clicking Next. However, you will need to specify a path. The directory you select is completely arbitrary and will not affect the CSR generation.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Note: The temporary web site does not need to be started for this process.
  8. Right click , select Properties > Directory Security > Server Certificate.
  9. Select Create a New Certificate.
  10. Note: choose 2048 bit key length. In Common name field, enter the domain name of the site that you are going to renew the SSL cert for.
  11. Click Finish.

Step 2: Install SSL certificate

Once you receive the new certificate, download it, then:

  1. Right-click the temporary site > select Properties > Directory Security > Server certificate.
  2. Select Process the Pending Request.
  3. Complete the wizard to install the certificate.
  4. Right-click the production site, then select Properties > Directory Security > Server certificate.
  5. Select Replace the current certificate.
  6. Select the certificate that you have just installed, then click Finish.
  7. Stop and Start the website.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Other Platforms

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