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Cornell University

Generic Volume License Keys for Activation via Key Management Service

Microsoft uses Generic Volume License Keys, in conjunction with special Volume License Editions of the Windows and Office installers, to activate these products with a local Key Management Service.

This article applies to: Software Licensing and Installation

Generic Volume License Keys (GVLKs) are not specific to an organization's license. Using a GVLK tells that Microsoft product to instead look to a local Key Management Service (KMS) instance, and use that to activate the product.

Cornell's KMS service is restricted to the Cornell network: A machine must be either physically on campus, on to a remote network that's directly routed through the Cornell network, or connected to Cornell's campus Virtual Private Network (VPN).

You'll need the appropriate GVLK to update installations of Windows that used a different activation method, such as a Multiple Activation Key (MAK).

Please see the following Microsoft websites for the current list of GVLKs:


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