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Cornell University

User Experience (UX) SIG

This article applies to: Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Cornell User Experience (UX) SIG provides a forum for developers, designers, or anyone interested in the development or redesign of an application or website to discuss utilizing human-centered design methodology.

Topics discussed include:

  • User experience research
  • Development of informational architecture
  • Tools that we use 
  • Design and UX problems that we encounter
  • Conferences we have attended
  • Projects that we are working on

The UX SIG also talks about quality assurance and web accessibility.

Web accessibility topics include:

  • Accessibility testing tools
  • How to use Siteimprove
  • WebAIM resources

Recent Topics: UX overview of the Mann Library redesign, UX and web accessibility and inclusive design 

Meets:  Approximately once per quarter in 102 Mann Library and via Zoom. Meetings are announced via, and IT News.

E-list: To receive UX SIG meeting announcements, join the e-list by sending an email to with the single word "join" (no quotes) in the subject line (leave email body blank).

Contact: Jessica Doolittle, Karen Spreng, Adam L. Chandler, Thomas Cyril Deneuville, or Ellen Hartman if you have questions.


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