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Cornell University

Business Analysis SIG

This article applies to: Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Business Analysis Special Interest Group (BA-SIG) provides a collaborative space where business analysts can share their experiences, tips, and techniques. The aim is to create and promote synergies among business analysts, and to advance, enhance, and normalize the practice of business analysis at the institution.

Agendas and topics are fluid depending on the interests of attendees at the time, but typically include sharing work experiences and getting tips and feedback from other attendees.

Meets: The BA-SIG meets via Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month from 9–10am, starting March 8, 2022. Meetings are intentionally informal with loose agendas and general discussions. Announced on MS Teams and IT News.

The BA-SIG will not be meeting on October 10, 2023 while we re-tool based on feedback from the recent survey.  More information will be forthcoming about the new recurring time slot and new format.

Get Involved: Join the BA-SIG MS Teams channel or contact the organizer.

Contact: Chris Brown.


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