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Cornell University

Responsibilities to Protect University Data (Policy 4.12)

This article applies to: Qualtrics (Survey Tool) , Security & Policy

You are responsible for Cornell data stored on computers you use. You are the custodian of that data. This is established in numerous Cornell policies. See Cornell's computer security and data protection policies.

Your responsibilities:

  • Protect university property stored on computers you use, including information about staff, faculty, students, and alumni.
  • Access only that information which you are authorized to access in the course of your duties. Your ability to access other information does not imply any right to view, change, or share information.
  • Do not establish access privileges for yourself or others outside of formal approval processes.
  • Adhere to procedures and business rules governing access and changes to the data for which you are a custodian.

As stated in University Policy 4.12, Data Stewardship and Custodianship, the university expects all stewards and custodians of its administrative data to manage, access, and utilize this data in a manner that is consistent with the university's need for security and confidentiality. Cornell University administrative functional areas must develop and maintain clear and consistent procedures for access to university administrative data, as appropriate.



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