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Cornell University

View OneDrive Files by People or Meetings

This article applies to: OneDrive

People View

OneDrive's People view organizes your files in terms of you are working with. You can pin people to top of the view for quick access. Activity previews help keep you up-to-speed on collaboration without having to open the file.

Sometimes it is easier to recall a file based on the person we associate it with, rather than the name of the file or even the project it's for. OneDrive's context-aware, adaptive experience can help you and your collaborators quickly find files you’re working on together. 

Meetings View

A Meetings view in OneDrive shows all files shared during your meetings and in your meeting chats, including files that will be used in upcoming meetings. 

Hunting through meeting invites, recordings, and chats is not an ideal way to find files. To bring these files to you, OneDrive's Meetings view surfaces the files shared during meetings, related chats, and available files that will be used in upcoming meetings. This view is organized by upcoming meetings, followed by recent meetings, and it contains all files shared in your meeting, even ones you were not able to attend. 

To see how to use People and Meetings view in OneDrive, and learn more about other ways to find the files you are looking for, like For You, Shared, filtering by app, folder color, and more, see Experience the New OneDrive: Fast, Organized, and Personalized.


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