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Cornell University

OneDrive for Work or School

This article applies to: OneDrive

Get Started

To access your OneDrive space, sign in at

To create a new document or folder, click + Add new, then choose the type. To open a file or folder, click on its name. To share a document, while viewing it in Office Online, click on + Share, enter the people you would like to share it with and whether they should be able to edit or just read, then click + Share.

To retrieve a recently deleted document, click Recycle bin in the left-hand menu.

A Microsoft 365 Document Storage and Collaboration Solution

OneDrive is a document and file storage hub in Cornell's Microsoft 365. It's easy to upload, download, and share files. You can also create, view, and edit documents online using the integrated Office Online applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. For those times you need the complete set of Office features, you can open your files in the full version of the applications and save them to your hard drive or back to the cloud.

Cornell OneDrive provides a place for Office for iPhone, iPad, and Android to store their files, where they will then be available to any computer or device through apps or a web browser. OneDrive for Business also can sync your files stored in the cloud with your Windows or Mac computer.

Because OneDrive is connected to your status at Cornell, everything stored in it will be deleted should you leave the university. For this reason, it's best to use it to store materials that are for your own personal business use, and store things that will be important for your unit or other groups at the university indefinitely in a Microsoft Teams team. 

Graduating, resigning, retiring, or otherwise leaving Cornell? Find out what changes to expect for your Cornell OneDrive account.

Service Details

File Type and Name Restrictions

The size limit for individual files is two gigabytes (2 GB).

To see how much space you're using:

  • While viewing OneDrive through Outlook on the web, click the gear icon, then select Site settings.
  • On the Site Settings page, under Site Collection Administration, click Storage Metrics.
  • In the top right corner, you'll see how much space you're using.

For university guidelines for file storage, see the University Regulated Data Chart.

The following file types cannot be uploaded:

  • .ashx
  • .asmx
  • .json
  • .soap
  • .svc
  • .xamlx

For a more complete description of various restrictions, see Microsoft's Restrictions and Limitations support page.

File names can't contain the following characters: /  \  :  *  ?  "  <  >  |  #  % Also, do not start a file name with a tilde (~).

Shared Document Editing

You will be able to see who else is editing shared documents. When you open a shared document in Outlook on the Web, you will see a color-coded flag and the name of the person.

OneDrive Sync Client

The OneDrive Sync client works with these operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • iOS
  • Android
When setting up OneDrive sync, make sure to only sync as much content from OneDrive as your device has room to store. See Microsoft's Choose which OneDrive folders to sync to your computer.

View more information about OneDrive Sync.

View more information about OneDrive Sync errors.

For More Help

Microsoft's help is available by clicking the Question Mark icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window.


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