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Cornell University

About Office Online

This article applies to: Office 365 Productivity Bundle

Most faculty and staff, and all students, have access to the traditional desktop version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. (See the Office for Faculty and Staff article for information about what kind of Office license you have.)

A convenient alternative, available to all, is the Office Online version of these apps. The online versions are available anywhere you can sign into Outlook on the web in a browser.

The Office Online apps even let you start working on your document online, then click a button to open it in the full version of the app on your computer. 

Microsoft provides basic information for each of their Quick Start online apps.

Launch an Office Online App

  1. Sign in to Outlook on the web.
  2. Click the App launcher (the nine-dot icon at the left end of the red header bar).
  3. Select the online app you want to open. If you don't see the app listed, click All apps at the bottom of the list to see all available apps.


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