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Cornell University

Fight the Phish

2024 Update: PhishAlarm, a new faster way to report suspicious email to the IT Security Office, was made available on all Gmail web and Outlook web, desktop, and mobile interfaces.

This article applies to: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

You are our best defense

Cybersecurity affects daily life for all of us—both at home and work. Phishing attacks have been escalating worldwide, including sophisticated two-factor authentication scams and the widespread use of ransomware. You are our best defense. Help fight phishing! Use these tips to spot email scams.

Protect yourself against phishing and scams

Build your cybersecurity awareness

According to the FBI, phishing attacks are the most common cybercrime. Scammers know you're overloaded with email and seize the opportunity to catch you off guard. These fraudulent emails claim to be from known individuals or legitimate organizations. They may contain links to fake websites that impersonate popular retail brands (e.g., Amazon, eBay, personal banking), where you are asked to enter your email address, password, or other sensitive information. Some messages also include malicious attachments intended to infect your computer or devices.

The Federal Trade Commission has reported that imposter scams are the top fraud category nationwide. A recent imposter scam involves a phishing email that leads to vishing or a voice phishing attack, designed to trick you into contacting a cybercriminal and giving up your credit card number and other personal details.

Do your part. #BeCyberSmart. Stay safe online and find out more about vishing and other scams with these helpful videos from the National Cybersecurity Alliance:

PhishAlarm, a new faster way to report suspicious email to the IT Security Office, is now available on all Gmail web and Outlook web, desktop, and mobile interfaces.


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