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Join Cornell’s first line of defense against digital bad actors with PhishAlarm, a new email button that allows Cornellians to more easily report suspicious messages to the IT Security Office.
Thanks to the constant vigilance of Cornell students, staff, and faculty, many incoming threats were identified and mitigated over the last 5-7 years. That reporting process was cumbersome for the Cornell community, so the IT Security Office explored solutions that were simpler for customers to use.
Not only is PhishAlarm easy to use, but it also filters critical details into a real-time data stream that allows the IT Security Office to compare Cornell metrics with global and national markers, streamlining the way the team identifies the urgency of specific threats.
After a successful pilot with CIT staff in February, PhishAlarm was made available to the broader Cornell community on March 11, 2024. The button can be found in Microsoft Outlook web, desktop, and mobile clients and in Gmail on the web.
Read "Catch and Report Phishing Faster" to learn more about the PhishAlarm pilot.
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